Thursday, 29 March 2018

Random Advancement (Robot)

Robots! Also works for homuculi, warforged, golems, etc (with a lil tweaking for flavour)

Previous random advancement tables by me: Human and Very Good Dog.

Compilation of tables can be found here, courtesy of the estimable Jeff Rients. I believe the original idea comes from Zak S.

by Phil Foglio

01-03: Can a robot learn.... to love? No. Well, not you. You're immune to emotional shenanigans, both magical and mundane.(by default robots aren't: flavour it like the magic is messing with their programming)
04-06: You're becoming more and more human, for better or for worse. Roll on the human table.
07-09: You're all tech-y and well travelled and stuff. Roll on the Traveller table.
10-12: This is some Pinocchio shit. Roll on the Fool table.
13-15: let's be honest, if you ended up as an adventurer, you were probably designed as a killbot. Roll on the fighter table.
16-17: You got more dynamos and wires added to your brainbox. Or maybe pins and needles, and now your brain is pretty SHARP. +2 Intelligence, +1 each time you roll this again
18-19: new understanding of these meat creatures who surround you makes you less hard to relate to. +1 Charisma
20-21: new understanding of what your existence really MEANS gives you +1 Wisdom
22-23: gotta upgrade that machinery sometime! +1 Strength
24-25: extra RAM and hard drive space (or like, mauve crystals of you're a magic robot) gives you +1 intelligence!
26-29: Mechanical reliability. Once per short rest, when you would roll a d20 you can instead just make it an 11 (plus whatever stuff you would add to that normally,ofc)
30-33: +1 AC. Stacks.
34: you have a little heads-up display or arm thingy. For each gemstone you install in it, you can detect a kind of magic. Ruby=evocation, Emerald=enchantment, opal=illusion, onyx=necromancy, sapphire=divination, pearl=transmutation, Amber=conjuration.
35: jet boots/pack. You can fly, but only for one turn at a time. If you reroll this, that's an extra turn you can stay up in the air.
36: extradimensional storage. As a built-in bag of holding.
37: "the possibility of successfully navigating this dungeon is approximately 3,720 to 1." You can calculate probability. You probably constantly spout depressing info like that, but once per session this translates to knowing the DC for a effect, the CR of a monster or challenge, the 'level' for a dungeon/adventure, or some other 'unknowable' DM-only metric of balance and design.
38: you've learned how to tell jokes. Gain the 'humour' skill, and the desire to use it at every opportunity.
39: Universal translator. Not actually universal, just programmed with a lot of languages. Easy (10-15) intelligence check when you encounter a new language to see if you already know it.
40-42: you can record sounds, voices, music, any play it back at will. Doesn't duplicate the effects of spells (or DOES it?). Rolling this again lets you capture video as well. And then... Smells?
43: you can finally identify birds. Gain the Identify Birds skill. Rolling this again means you can identify other critters too!
by Matt Dixon
44-46: every time you miss, you get a +1 attack and damage against that target, stacking til you hit it. Roll this again and it's +2, then +3, etc
47: You can emit an EMP that disables spells and robotics. Works as dispel magic, robots are effected as if by hold monster (but robots only) 1/day.
48-50: Flashlight eyes. If you get this again, you can use them to blind opponents by shining the light right in their faces (20-ft line, 5 ft wide; DC 8+proficiency+intelligence bonus). If you get this a third time, you can increase the light to deal 1d4 radiant damgage a round (no save, surprisingly useful to get around regeneration.)
51-52: Ablative armour. Attacks that deal less than (5+your level) in damage instead deal no damage to you. Rolling this again adds 5, then 2, then 1, to the total damage you can prevent
53: you have a flexible human suit or hologram that you can use to pass yourself off as human. If you're a big or weirdly shaped robot, to can fold yourself down to fit in your disguise.
54: you have a robot animal form you can assume. Pick from the druid wild shape table for a character of your level. You're still a robot when you're in that form, obvs.
55-56: machine gun. 2d6 damage in a ten-foot wide area, Dexterity saving throw for half damage. Rerolls of this add 1d6.
57-59: you're super solar powered! You get +1 to all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws when you're in direct sunlight. Takes a few rounds to kick in and wear off, but only a few
60-61: you have an alchemical version of grease (an oil slick) and fog cloud, which you can deploy as a bonus action once per short rest
62-63: turbo-boosters give you the effect of Expeditious Retreat once per short rest.
64-65: you have an extra arm, it's like a utility-grasper. You can use it to hold stuff and manipulate things, but not for combat
66: you have befriended a small animal, like a mouse or a bird, that has made a nest inside of you or on your head. This doesn't let you communicate with it in any special way, but it ties to be helpful. Just having it around gives you a +1 to reaction rolls (cuz it's so cute) and +1 to initiative and perception checks (cuz it tries to warn you about stuff)
by Guillaume Menuel
67-69: you can read & memorize books and other written materials just by flipping through em really fast. You can mentally reference them for the information they contain. You can have a # of books stored equal to your intelligence SCORE- any books post that either replace a book of your choice, or impose a stacking -1 to all intelligence saves and checks.
70-71: self repair function. Once per short rest, when you take damage, you may gain a Repair point. As an action you may go into repair mode until the beginning of your next turn: your speed drops to 0, you get +2 AC, and you can't take reactions. You heal as if you'd cast cure wounds on yourself, as a cleric equal to your level.
72: you have a wireless transmitter that lets you communicate with other robots within 100 ft. Non robots can get a special chip implantef in their brain that lets you communicate with them too. This costs 25 coin, and hopefully a medical professional.
73-75: taser! As the cantrip shocking grasp. Rolling this again adds another dice to the damage. If you drop someone to 0 with this attack, they're knocked out instead of dying.
76: cloaking device. When you remain perfectly still you can turn invisible. You can also turn invisible as a bonus action until the beginning of your next turn once per short rest.
77-81: you have an alarm system. When you're resting and powered down you can make perception checks normally. You can set the alarm so that it has loud klaxons and flashing lights, or have it be silent. Either way, you get advantage to initiative if your opponent doesn't know you can do this. Also works when people try to pick your pockets. If you roll this again, reroll.
by Ian McQue
82-83: shield batteries. You have 5 temporary HP, +1 per level, and you regain them at the beginning of your turn if you haven't taken damage since last turn.
84: if you die but your head is still intact, your head can be removed and carried around and you can still talk to people. Resurrecting you just means building you a new body or repairing your old one.
85: you have a mini version of yourself that you can launch and send out, like a drone. It can fly and is tiny, and has half your HP. During this time your big body is immobile and offline, altho it can still watch and remember what went on around it
86-88: you get expertise in a skill you have. If you roll this again you get mega-expertise (triple your proficiency bonus instead of double.)
89-90: hacking dothingy. Totally lets you upstage the thief, but only on mechanical/electronic/magic-tech locks. And computers & computer-analogues. Like the knock spell except it takes you 1d6-int bonus rounds (min 0 rounds)
91: insufferably superior. Anytime one of your friends fails a knowledge, research, intelligence check (stuff like that) you get a free tool at a +2 to see if you know the answer. If it doesn't make sense why you didn't volunteer the info earlier, it's because they 'never asked'
92: every time you take damage in combat you have a 5% stacking chance of flipping out like a barbarian in a rage.
93-94: your clockwork brain lets you predict perfectly any timing based things like traffic lights or smashing hallway traps of doom. You have to have time to study the full pattern; if you have to rush it and the DM calls for a safe or a roll you at least have advantage.
95: you can edit out and jettison parts of your memory, at will. Useful for preventing insanity and mind reading. If you roll this again, you can also partition your mind, effectively having different consciousnesses that might know different things, and can exchange memories, go dormant, etc.
by Filip Burburan
96: your robot-based dance moves give you the performance (dance) skill
97: your eye is quicker than the hand. You see 'fast' enough to count a hummingbirds wing feathers in motion. This gives you advantage vs sleight of hand/pick pocket kinda things, and lets you deflect missiles like a monk (reaction, 1d10+Dex+level damage reduced) but you can't throw em back cuz that's a ki thing, which you don't have. Or DO you???
98-99: You have proficiency in saving throws vs. Devices.
100: You're made of adamantine. Your unarmed attacks and any built-in physical weapons bypass adamantine resistance, deal double damage to objects. You are immune to thunder damage, critical hits, and any effect that would sever a limb or break you into pieces, including vorpal weapons.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

better dinosaurs 2

Let's keep reskinning MM critters into dinosaurs

Slow Bulette
It's like a bulette, but slower! And that turtle shell implies it'd have better armour. Rather than burrowing really fast like the 'land shark' this thing scoops out a little hole and lies in wait, before leaping out like a really dangerous frog.
Basing the stats off've the 'giant snapping turtle' from Tomb of Annhilation.

Large beast, unaligned 
Armor Class 17 (natural armor),  
Hit Points 75 (l0dl0 + 20)
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft. 

STR 19 (+4) 
DEX 6 (-2) 
CON 14 (+2) 
INT 2 (- 4) 
WIS 12 (+l) 
CHA 5 (-3) 

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 

Challenge 3 (700 XP) 

Stablility. Whenever an effect knocks the kappasaur prone, it can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw to avoid being knocked prone. 

Deadly Leap: If the kappasaur jumps at least 15 ft. as part of its Movement, it can then use this action to land on its ft. in a space that contains one or more other creatures. Each of those creatures must succeed on a DC 16 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (target's choice) or be knocked prone and take 8 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 8 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage. On a successful save, the creature takes only half the damage, isn't knocked prone, and is pushed 5 ft. out of the kappasaur's space into an unoccupied space of the creature's choice. If no unoccupied space is within range, the creature instead falls prone in the kappasaur's space.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) slashing damage

Got a bite that turns you to stone, like a cockatrice. Built like a skinny long-necked dino, with kinda crocodile-y splayed legs. 

Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 68 (8d10+24)
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
STR      DEX      CON      INT     WIS      CHA
18 (+4)  15 (+2)  16 (+3)  2 (-4)  12 (+1)  5 (-3)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
Senses passive Perception 13
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Bite Melee Weapon attack, + 6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one creature. 13 (3d6+4) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw against being magically Petrified. On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone and is Restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is Petrified for 24 hours.

It's like a giant elk, but with an acid spit attack instead of an antler attack. 10 ft, does the same damage. I'll let you just ad-lib the stats for this one.

Weird dino worms! 
Basing this off the 'young remhoraz' stats, adding in some carrion crawler for flavour.

Large Monstrosity (dinosaur)

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 93 (11d10+33)
Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 10 (0) 4 (-3)
Damage Resistance: Acid, Poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Keen Smell
The saurworm has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

The saurworm makes two attacks: one with its tentacles and one with its bite.
Tentacled Bite
Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 20 (1d10 piercing + 2d10 poison +4), and the target is grappled.
Inject Poison. The saurworm injects poison into one creature it is grappling. Make opposed grapple checks, and the saurworm has advantage. If the saurworm wins the grapple, it deals 30 (6d10) poison damage to the target, and the target gains 1d4 bleed and 1d4 pain dice. At the end of each of the target's turns, they may make a DC 14 Constitution save, removing one of the dice on a success.

Next on 'Better Dinosaurs!' 
Ettercaps, but they're dinosaur ettercaps now!

Fire-spitting dinosaur! 

This thing!!

Technically a mammal, but we're calling it a dinosaur!!

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

the Calendar of Zalamon

I've been doing a better job of keeping track of the days and weeks in my campaign. It's had an effect, for example in my Curse of Strahd game it put on a lot of pressure because the player's wanted to get some answers and explore before winter hit, so they ended up sort of overtextending themselves more than they otherwise would've. But I've found it a lot easier to conceptualize if I have some evocative and gameable ideas about what the seasons actually mean, so I've been working up a description for each month.

The ten months are each 33 days, and the festivals (Ulfire, Gild, Lupin, and Tithe) are separate from the month, and are three days each. So 330+12=342 days in a year.

The year is ended and begun with the feast-day of Ulfire, when the sun disappears for the length of three nights, and the stars burn an eldritch, painful, urgent colour across the horizon. Mortals congregate in their homes, the sacrifices are all finished, nothing to do now but wait to see if the petitions took and the world will be born again, or die a stillbirth. The four moons hang over the land, watching like attentive midwives. It is a time of storytelling and drinking, a wake for the world that might have been. On the morning of Typhon, the world is reborn, bleak and grey and most often stormy, and the moons resume their natural course.

The year starts with violence. Rains come in and tear to ribbons at the snow, and farmers trudge cautiously into their fields to lay the first preperations for spring with their freezing hands. The ice turns to sucking mud. It is a month of mudslides, shifting, bleeding, the first births of the hardiest and most well-sheltered animals. Near the end of the month, once the first yellow rays have visited the land, the day-poppies spring up, a red profusion, like blood springing from the open wound of the bare ditches. Even plants such as these are soon beaten down by the inevitable hail of the proceeding Tain, but the red petals make a fine mulch for the garlic, and crofters turn it into a soporific kind of wine.

The first month a person could travel, although the roads are still perilous and the passes hardly cleared. The birds start to return en masse. Avalanches and floods occur without warning, but most of the icy rivers are becoming fordable. Going is slow. The ambitious merchants load up their wagons to creaking with their goods, and set out to resupply customer's winter stores. The brass trumpets ring out, and the brash flags unfurl, as the first armies set off to march, countering eager neighbours or the dawnlit raids of the Westerlings and the bandits of the border marches. The frozen victims of winter thaw and are pulled or else walk from the rivers and forests to be given a proper burial in the nameless graveyards.

The green stretches and grows, the flowers are in bloom on every tree and in every meadow, the forest is filled with birdsong and the beat of the woodcutter's axe. Serpents slither from their winter holes. People awake with strange half-memories of dreams, and the king's soothsayers may question those who dream of a giant moon-grey boar. In the evening and the early morning, the horns ring out across the hills as the royal hunt begins.

Midway through the month sits the festival of Gild, the pauper's day and the day of kings, where rich men wear masks to hide their shame, and dancers wrap the town in ribbons. On this day cats are sacred, and may even speak if they deign to stoop to it, perhaps to give advice on the year to come. The lords of the town step aside, and the people elect a fool to be their king, carried through town on a golden palanquin.

The first heady draught of the season envelopes the wold. The sun shines bright from skies of polished blue or burnished haze, but the sea is wine-dark. Big-bellied clouds carry the rain willfully to and fro across the hills and meadows. The trees grow heavy with fruit, the fields are lush, watered with blood and summer rains. Farmers and soldiers alike are caked with salt from their toils.

Heat waves, punctuated by violent thunder and sudden hailstorms. Fat raindrops drill into the dust of the roads and fields, watering fields of crop and thistle alike. Whorls of utter cold, descending in columns from the northern sky like giant's finger, flash-freeze stands of corn and unlucky cattle. Within hours, the blazing sun banishes the ice- some mornings, lingering clouds of fog lay in the hollows of the hills, or crawl in the morning through the villages.

The white moon pauses in the sky for the three days of this festival, mirrored in the still waters of the lakes, and the paper lanterns strung between the trees. Great bundles of blue and purple and pink plumes of lupin flowers brought in for the harvest. Wolves howl in the shrouded hills at dusk.

Dust rises behind the chariots. The sun beats down as it slides slothfully across the great blue dome of heaven. The shade shrinks to a limpid pool beneath the shriveled tree. Horses die. Dogs go mad. The short remnant of the night falls heavy as lead upon the horizon. The dull sky passes the hours bereft of all but the most valiant stars. The evening star and the morning star stand sentinel above the distant hills, waiting vigilantly for the sudden break of day, and the roaring raw throat of the sun.

Everything remaining from the harvest is picked over and brought in. The warehouses are full to bursting, as are the purses of the rat-catchers and cat-keepers. Crows descend onto the wasted cornfields and strut amongst the rot-hollowed gourds. Rain turns the deserted fields into expanses of mud, and mushrooms sprout in secret dells. Some mornings herald unexpected fog, thick and clammy, which muffles the clanging of the church bells calling petitioners to their instruction. Other dawns come warm and sticky. The smell of overripe fruit lingers in the air, and the stains from wine-making linger on the people's hands and feet.

The air is cooler now, the farmers intent on planting garlic and bringing their animals in from summer pasture. The haylofts and granaries have taken in all the stores they can: bursting golden in generous years, sparse with worry in lean ones. Ravens plan their councils, and bears return to their redoubts.

In the middle of this month sits Tithe, the festival where offerings must be made to the ancestors and the gods. The fae courts must pay their tithe to hell, and the Wild Hunt rides out to capture mortals to send in the elves place. The night before Tithe is called Goblinwatch, and is a time of celebrating before death truly comes to the land- the white touch of winter is at hand, and the people must prepare, for loss will not spare anyone.

The hard dagger of the frost plunges again and again into the earth's threadbare brow. Fire crackles and pops in the hearth, and timbers creak and moan on the heights. This is the favourite time of dragons to strike, when the storehouses are still full, but the armies are to afraid of winter to march. The whistling winds over the withering earth do much to hide the beat of heavy wings. Dire wolves, shaggy and bold now, venture forth from the safety of the hills to fatten themselves one last time before the ice's coup d'grace: if you are lucky it will just be on deer and sheep.

The world slumbers under a thick silver blanket. Nothing can move far, not even sound: conversations held out of doors are liable to freeze, and the words will not be heard until spring. Each day it gets darker and darker, until the sun is but a pale shadow that winks above the trees for a few meagre hours. The white moon and the land beneath are one and the same now, and the red moon stains the snow red as blood when it passes overhead on it's erratic path. Each night there are more stars, glimmering coldly down at the dying world. Ice storms coat everything in glistening crystal, so cold that some trees explode into splinters. The people who must go out move around on skies or skates. Blizzards strike without warning, so farmers string a rope between their house and their barn, so they don't get lost and freeze a few dozen feet from their own homes.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Cthulhu in ink

Did this thing years ago! Posting this here as a reminder to myself that I like this style, and I gotta do more 

Monday, 12 March 2018

Character Sheets

I made this character sheet for my game, partly cuz I wanted to be able to set the aesthetic, and partly cuz I needed to design it to incorporate things like Ten Foot Polemic's Death Dice and Goblin Punch's inventory system. And I was getting it ready to print yesterday, so naturally I had to tweak about a dozen things, and afterwards I figured I'd better post the results.

and the back

The 'food' 'water' etc in the top right corner is intended to track supplies in a 'hazard die' or 'ammo die' type of situation.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Better Dinosaurs

Getting ready for my 'post-apocolyptic pirate wizard-ninjas' group to make it to the Isle of Dread. If they get there, they're still about a thousand miles away, and I'm essentially running it as a loose hex crawl the entire way. Last session they lost half of their water reserves when the green slime one of the PCs was carrying (Alain van York) leaked out of the stone cistern he was transporting in and infected the adjacent barrels. They also recently unleashed an angry storm god. So we'll see.

That said, I've been going over the material, and it needs some tweaking. Dinosaurs are great, as in when I was a kid I planned to be a paleontologist, but always feel a little out of place in a fantasy world. My answer is to make 'em more alien, more draconic, more insectoid, more MONSTROUS.  I want these to be terrifying (potentially terrifying), weird things, unknown quantities, like encountering dinosaurs for the first time would be, but I also want them to be kinda familiar.

This is basically a photo/concept dump for my own benefit, lets be honest, but I do plan on inserting some usable content. Mostly quickly reskinning MM creatures, and quick notes, but hey

Sub-dinos (Tertiasaurs)
You know those weird early sketches of dinosaurs, from when they didn't really know what they were dealing with? I love those.
First thing they encounter, I'm hoping it's a gaggle of these sad lumpy things, huddling on a beach. They kinda remind me of the lobstrosities from Dark Tower, but they probably eat those, actually. Stat the lobstrosities as giant crabs, and the hylabosaurus as a slower, clumsier giant lizard of some kind, with a weaker bite attack and some claws.

Here's a slightly more regal looking specimen.

Ok now lookit this thing:

 magnificent, isn't it? I don't know what to do about the fact that it kinda contradicts the appearence of this:
buuuut... maybe they're just different postures? Anyway the spike on the nose should be exaggerated so it can be an effective attack. 

Stats as a giant boar, but with better AC, and a bite instead of a gore. They hunt in ones or twos, and are scavengers as much as predators- they don't want to fight anything bigger than them, or groups that outnumber them (they normally hunt in ones or twos), but they'll follow the party and scavenge off anything THEY kill, and opportunistically move in if they end up wounded or split up. 

Not much to say here, except if you're playing a fantasy game and you're NOT using brontosaurs instead of the 'real' creatures they were composites of, you're making a huge mistake. Maybe give them some sort of reality-bending, half-real kinda ability, to reflect that origin??

Scientists figured out that for this guy to scoot on his belly, he'd make a giant trench. But dragons can fly in this, so I dunno. Or maybe it actually does scoot in a trench? Kinda interesting to have a monster/encounter that's basically on rails. They players probably don't need to fight these, but just getting PAST ginormous creatures and their mud-trench moats would be a situation in itself.

Basically people got the neck and the tail mixed up on these, so just take the plesiosaur from the monster manual and double the reach for it's bite attack. 

It's a stegosaurus, obviously. Didn't you know they walk on their hind legs?

Re-skinning MM creatures
My favourite way of making 'new' monsters. Luckily I haven't introduced these yet in-game, so they're still undefined in the lore. I'm thinking, gargoyles, trolls, and bulettes are all dinosaurs in this, as well as maybe some weirder ones. Remhoraz?


Medium monstrosity, neutral
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 52 (7d8+21)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
STR 15 (+2)  DEX 13 (+1)  CON 16 (+3)  INT 4 (-3)  WIS 14 (+2)  CHA 7 (-2)
Senses Blindsight 60 Ft., passive Perception 14
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Camouflage: While the gargulasaur remains motionless, Wisdom (Perception) checks made to discern it's location have disadvantage.
Pounce. If the gargoyle moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the garguladon can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
Stone form. When motionless, the gargulasaur has resistance to fire, lightning, cold, and against Bludgeoning, Piercing, And Slashing (Adamantine). It gets advantage on saving throws against being pushed, thrown, shoved, etc.

Multiattack. The gargulasaur makes two attacks, one with its bite and one with its claws.
Bite + 4, 6 damage (1d8+2)
Claws + 4, 5 damage (1d6+2)
Stone Block. The gargulasaur* gains the benefits of its Stone Form until it's next turn. It's speed drops to 10, and it can't fly on it's next turn (if it's flying it falls at half speed, and can right itself at the end of its turn) 
Tail whip. The gargulasaur makes a special attack with its tail against a creature that tries to grapple it, or that moves to flank it. Melee weapon attack, +4 to hit, 5 damage (1d6+2) and the target is stunned until the beginning of their next turn. 

Troglasaurus Belua
Large monstrosity, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 84 (8d10+40)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 18 (+4) DEX 13 (+1) CON 20 (+5)
INT 5 (-3)  WIS 14 (+2)  CHA 7 (-2)

Skills Perception +5
Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 12
Languages understands olman and carsek but can't speak

Keen Smell: The troll has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Fast healing: If the troglasaur is under half it's max HP, it regains 15 hit points at the start of its turn.


Multiattack: The troll makes two attacks with its claw
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (4d6 + 4) piercing damage. Advantage to hit targets troll is grappling.
Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. If the troglasaur hits with a claw attack it can either throw/push the target 15 feet (STR save DC 14 resists) or attempt a free grapple.


Large monstrosity, neutral 
Armor Class 15 (natural armour)
Hit Points 76 (9d10+27)
Speed 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
STR 16 (+3)  DEX 16 (+3)  CON 16 (+3)  
INT 12 (+1)  WIS 14 (+2)  CHA 8 (-1)
Damage Resistance: Acid
Damage Immunities: Poison
Condition Immunities: Prone
Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 12

Life Drain: Creatures that end their turns grappled by the wraithform take 21 (4d8 + 3) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a Long Rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the wraith has disadvantage on Attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Flyby: The wraithform doesn't provoke Opportunity Attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.

1d50 Toys (belated holiday post!)

The goblin punch post on good faeries is one of my favs. In fact, there's a chance one of my groups could run into some ice faeries in ...