Thursday, 15 November 2018

Training Rules for Downtime

Credits go to goblin punch, ten foot polemic, necropraxis, and many others, for providing the basis for these rules

Players kept asking about training so I had to bang something out really quick so we'd ask have something to reference

Ok so here goes, training rules - draft 1

These all require a ‘Haven Turn.’

Training Score: Sometimes, the training rules will tell you to ‘roll training.’ When you do this, gain one training point, then roll a d20. If you roll equal or under your training score, you succeed! Take the thing. If you roll over, too bad, but you keep the training points.
If you have a trainer, you can add
their stat (usually Wisdom or Intelligence) to your training score, before you roll. The trainer bonus isn’t cumulative, and it doesn’t stick around if the trainer isn’t available next time you roll.
Training points are flexible. If you start training at punching goats, but then realize before you’
re done that punching ninjas is better, that’s fine. If you switch from training at punching to training at magicking, tho, you’ll have to start over from scratch. Also, you can only have one pool of training points going at a time.

Ability testing: Sometimes, the training rules will tell you to ‘roll dex’ or ‘roll intelligence’ or some other ability score. When you do this, roll a d20, and if the result is equal to or lower than that ability score, you succeed! Take the thing. If not, too bad, you get nothing.

Here are some basic applications of the training action:

Get a Rando ability: For if you just want a cool thing, but you’re not fussed which thing. All the random advancement tables can be found here, there’s a lot of them and you don’t get to read through them first. Roll the primary ability for the class you’re trying to gain an ability for. You can only have one of these per HD that you have. Please keep track of this.

Get a feat: 5e feats are too powerful, but luckily they’re broken up into little pieces, so you can get them one at a time. Roll training. You can still get feats at the regular level increments.

Increase an ability score: Roll training and roll OVER the ability you’re trying to level (the better you get, the harder it is to progress further). I might change this if it seems too strong, or make them temporary boosts, but I’m also planning on including more stat-drain type effects, so it might balance out <3

Gain a skill/tool: Roll training.

Saving throws: For each of these, you have to roll training, plus a specific ability score assigned to each save.
  • Death – roll wisdom
  • Doom – roll charisma
  • Destruction – roll strength
  • Poison – roll constitution
  • Law – roll wisdom
  • Chaos – roll charisma
Weapon Mastery: To do this you need to have a certain number of kills with the weapon. At 10, 30, and 100 kills, you can train to get another special ability. Roll the stat for that weapon. Example special abilities can be found here.

Spellcraft: Creating a new spell requires that you first write out the spell, then roll (your spellcasting ability). Longer, more involved spell creation may actually be a Project.

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