Back in November, the redoubtable noisms of Monsters and Manuals posted about "oblique" place names. I thought the examples listed were delightful--it was a good little read! Every campaign world should have a "Howly Winter"
He also claimed that "a human author or game designer doesn't have a hope in hell of emulating this - there is not a DM in the world who would think to call a village 'Howly Winter'"
Now, I'm not sure what he meant by this exactly, and this isn't a call out post! But I thought, surely that's pretty demonstrably false. I mean of course, given the examples to build a vibe off of, we can come up with "Howly Winter" type names.
And in fact, as soon as I read the list, my mind began adding onto it--and everyone I've mentioned it to has contributed at least one or two ideas off the top of their heads, spontaneously! Maybe this is a me thing, and I exude a kind of aura of weird place names inspiration, or surround myself exclusively with that exact type of person. In which case fair, this isn't exactly supposed to be a rigorous proof, just one hundred plus anecdotes.
Perhaps the list will keep growing. At what point does anecdote become data? Or does it become history first?
Some caveats: I've checked exactly none of these to make sure they're not already existing real or fictional places. I'm sure some of them are, and just popped out of my brain soup as "new ideas" because they were already familiar. I'm also not a true student of linguistics, so this is based on vibes only, what "feels" like weird mish-mash british isles-ish place name. No Tolkien level scholarly efforts here!
With that said, here's the list, presented as a table for that extra gameable flair!
1d100 weird place names (+4 cuz I couldn't stop)
- Frowshire
- Prax-upon-Slough
- Drayfor
- Crowspocket
- Grosmarket
- Tendedd
- Falxire
- Beaughon
- Ossfide
- Tentickit
- Walfside
- Hundseight
- Devhook
- Egg Knact
- Rocken Plow
- Sunmind
- Holarbor
- Falls Down
- Chalk-to-Clowd
- Benchmill
- Wocksitte
- Fuwlan
- Toothy Heath
- Dogs Biscuit
- Tea-and-Wander
- Lode Sill
- Nakkerwood
- Tore-Down
- Barnhouse
- Snailersannan
- Averewoter
- Wereightshide
- Rox-in
- Doggsfurow
- Mulch
- Graygrows
- Heightpoll
- Headpike
- Cloverchide
- Autumn As
- Flerchilde
- Killer
- Sowsfoot
- Foolship
- Dyesoon
- Hat-for-Lord
- Twos Beckon
- Cheesely
- Icecrik
- Drumpsly
- Redwin Tick
- Nonnsberg
- Hindsight
- Wicket Through
- Stick-in-Wheel
- Weaping
- Bowt
- Foot Still
- Eastwest
- Dontnow
- Hockstree
- Harthsune
- Hardbawl
- Shout Shot
- Fox Treacle
- Throaty
- Raven Trough
- Burgerdhop
- Quiet-til-Cock
- Spoils-the-Milk
- Roughbedding
- Ariving
- Gettwater
- Waketrice
- Flocks-a-Mor
- Barcrow
- Fiddlers Fault
- Past-Lasthill
- Wonday Wood
- Notroltor
- Woods-beyond-Gown
- Mockston
- Sumthingberg
- Lambshade
- Ittshire
- Shaggy Bog
- Wolfcre Heath
- Rown Hol
- Fly-at-Awl
- Ting Ting
- Leechtide
- Gibbering
- Tallyhowe
- Worm Bellows
- Thicket-Upon-Thicket
- Milken Dunk
- Nillyhoggy Top
- Fog Bottle
- Hole-in-Head
- Little WeWeh
- Wot Wot
- Ticklesberry
- Newton Dipper
- Bobbins Lee
I think you've succeeded here. Seems up to the task.