Friday, 2 February 2024

Three Tablets of Law

Long ago, the Wind Dukes of Aaqa codified many elements of the universe, what today would be known as physics or natural law. Some if these were inscribed on the very atoms of existence, or used to calculate the patterns of the celestial spheres and define on plane of existence from the next. Other, lesser laws were encoded into portable items, so they might aid the Vaati in their journeys and undertakings. The greatest weapon of this kind was the Rod of Law, known today as the Rod of Seven Parts, but many other tools were likewise created.

Today, many have been lost, or their use and meaning has been so obscured as to render them useless. But a few continue to carry a shard of their purpose, like a gear that keeps spinning after the machine itself breaks. One such set is a trio of items, called "tablets" for lack of a better understanding of their design. Each on its own is powerful, but working together they can be used to exert considerable influence over the threads of causality.

Tablet of Hours

Wonderous Item, Rare, Requires attunement

This brass disc is inscribed with concentric runes and geometric patterns. Fused mechanisms and gears protrude from the sides, broken off and covered in verdigris and calcified stone growing out of the cracks in the edges and face of the tablet.

The tablet has 4 charges. These charges replenish at dawn every day. The Tablet of Hours can share spell slots with the Tablet of Fate and the Tablet of Reflection, and the three tablets can all use the same attunement slot. You may only use the abilities of the tablet if you are holding it, or if you are carrying the tablet and holding one of the other two tablets.

Untethered Timeline. At the start of your turn you may expend a charge from the tablet and roll a d20 (no action required). On an 11-20, you slow down time, acting as if under the effect of a Haste spell until the beginning of your next turn. On a 1-10, you slow yourself down, acting as if under the effect of a Slow spell until the beginning of your next turn unless you succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw.

Spells. You can use an action to expend 2 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: immovable object (2 charges), or temporal shunt (5 charges). You may also cast Mending as an action without expending any charges.

Tablet of Fate

Wonderous Item, Rare, Requires attunement

A bulky bronze cylinder with glyphs inscribed in a looping pattern on the drum. The top and bottom of the cylinder and open, and filled with intricately carved wooden circuits and wires, tangled like a broken nest.

The tablet has 4 charges. These charges replenish at dawn every day. The Tablet of Fate can share spell slots with the Tablet of Hours and the Tablet of reflection, and the three tablets can all use the same attunement slot. You may only use the abilities of the tablet if you are holding it, or if you are carrying the tablet and holding one of the other two tablets.

Rewrite Probability. When you roll a d20, you may spend a charge from the tablet to magically alter probability. When you do so, reroll that d20 and take the new result.

Spells. You can use an action to expend 2 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: augury (2 charges), or Geas (5 charges). You may also cast Guidance as an action without expending any charges.

Tablet of Reflection

Wonderous Item, Rare, Requires attunement

The face of this oblong plaque was once polished black obsidian, but now is scuffed and discoloured by scratches and stains. Rimmed with tarnished and peeling copper hammered into coiling and leaf-like motifs. A shallow half-broken black knob protrudes from the back, where once a ring or handle or other attachment may have been set.

The tablet has 4 charges. These charges replenish at dawn every day. The Tablet of Reflection can share spell slots with the Tablet of Fate and the Tablet of Hours, and the three tablets can all use the same attunement slot. You may only use the abilities of the tablet if you are holding it, or if you are carrying the tablet and holding one of the other two tablets.

Mirrored Destiny. When you succeed at a saving throw against a spell or other magic that affects only you, you may spend a charge from the tablet as a reaction and can choose a new creature within 60 feet to be the target of that magic. 

Spells. You can use an action to expend 2 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: mirror image (2 charges), or Mislead (5 charges). You may also cast minor illusion as an action without expending any charges.

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