One of my players just rolled up a
Really Good Dog... But I've been using a lot of the
various 'random advancement' tables, and there doesn't seem to be any table for dogs! So I had to write my own. A small contribution to the OSR's excellent dog content.
EDIT: the
mysterious blog that I templated this table off've has been uncovered through the magic of Google Plus! so thanks a Perttu Vedenoja, having the baseline to go off've made this a lot easier :)
01-3: Charisma increases by 2
04-06: Dex increases by 2
07-09: Pick Str, Con, Int, or Wis. That stat increases by 1.
11-13: You’re actually surprisingly good at climbing ladders.
14-15: One of your teeth is magic. By taking -1 to damage you can
overcome magic resistances of most creatures. The -1 is cuz you can only bite
with one side of your mouth, so if you roll this again the -1 goes away, and
then after that your bite counts as a +1 weapon, and so on.
16-17: You can jump twice the normal distance vertically. You can
also work a little somersault in there, if you want to .
18-20: Such a cute pup; you get to add your charisma bonus as well
as your dex to your AC.
21-23: You get +2 to initiative. If you roll this again, you just
get +1, but it keeps stacking. If you’re ever completely surprised, you at
least get a bonus action (5e term)
24-26: You can Dash or Disengage as a bonus action.
27-29: Your move speed inceases by 10 feet. Stacks every time you
30-33: Dog farts let you release an effect like a troglodyte stench
once per short rest (maybe more if you’ve eaten some really gassy food, but then
you don’t get to control exactly when it goes off!) (All creatures within a 5 ft
range must succeed on a Constitution saving throw [DC 8+Proficiency+Cha OR Con bonus, whichever is better] or be
poisoned until the start of the creature's next turn. On a successful saving
throw, the creature is immune to the stench of all dog farts for 1 hour.
34-36: You go up a rank in doggy nobility. Use whatever system for
factions, or the 5th edition one, whichever is most convenient. See
an upcoming post for the ‘Dog Clans’ faction info! Sorry, I couldn’t fit it all
in here, but I’ll link to it once’ it’s written <3
37-39: You’re part wolf! This doesn’t do much, but it does allow
you to have access to a place that is normally ‘no dogs allowed’ or dodge a
spell that targets only dogs- cuz you’re not a dog! Also wolves treat you as a
(slightly embarrassing) cousin, rather than a decadent traitor of all wolfkind.
DiTerlizzi, OBVS |
40-44: Pick a kind of animal, or roll
1d6: 1- goats, 2- horses, 3- cats(booo!),
4- fish, 5- snails, 6- Pigeons
& Seagulls. You know that kind of animal’s language.
45-47: All dogs
go to heaven, so if you die you can count on a dog angel showing up to escort
you to paradise. This is true of ALL dogs, not just ones who roll this power!
Your special power is you always know when an action you take would be ‘not
good’- that is, something that would endanger the whole ‘going to heaven’
thing, but isn’t immediately obvious. It won’t endanger YOU going to heaven
though, obviously. Although it should be noted that if you’re ACTUALLY awful,
you might turn into a cat.
48-50: If you bork
at a spoopy ghost, IT gets spooped instead of you! Undead with fear attacks
have to save as if against their own fear (and if they’re normally immune to
fear they’re not immune to this, cuz they’re scaring THEMSELVES- only robot ghosts
are maybe immune, unless they’ve learned to love)
51-53: Dogpile!
You can join a grapple, regardless of however many people are already in the
grapple, and the normal rules for doing so. No penalties. Yes, this will make whatever
overly-complex grappling rules even more messy; you don’t care, you just jump
in there.
48-50: You can
either shove a creature back ten feet or knock it prone in addition of doing
your regular damage on a melee hit, if you declare your intent and take a -2
penalty to hit. They can be no larger than a bear (or an ogre, or something in
that ballpark) for this to work, and they get to save to just take the damage
and keep their footing. If you roll this again, no more size restrictions.
Re-roll the third time you’d get this.
51-53: Once per
session you may gluttonously devour a week’s worth of rations in one turn. You heal d6 hit points. Pigging out does not heal any special or
critical effects, only abstract hit points.
Reroll if you get this result again.
54-55: Sic ‘em
dog! Once per fight, another character can use an action to get you to do
56-57: Things you
hit tend to stay hit. add +1 to damage you do. If you roll this again, increase
the bonus by 2, so second roll is +3, third +5, fourth +7, and so on.
58-59: +2 to
saves against illusions and stuff. You also are no longer fooled by that
‘pretending to throw a stick but then the real stick is still in their hand’
thing that humans do. As often. That +2 also applies to wisdom checks to know
when someone’s faking you out.
60-61: Iron
stomach. You can eat really gross things (like even grosser than a normal dog)
without getting sick. You don’t have to save against normal rancid food or
whatever, but in a situation where you have to save (someone put black lotus
powder in your kibble), you get a +2 to Poison and Disease saves against stuff
that you eat.
62-63: If you’re
fighting a skeleton or a creature made out of a significant quantity of bones*,
then when you hit them with your bite you can steal one of the bones. This
deals triple your normal bite damage, and choose one: 1: steal a leg
bone-creature’s speed is halved. 2: arm bone- one less attack per round, or if
they only get one, they have disadvantage on that attack. They’ll probably chase
you to get the bone back, unless they’re already busy in combat.
If you roll this again, it now works on constructs, then
after that pick another kind of thing it works on. You’re probably not actually
stealing the orc’s ENTIRE arm if you do that, but you’re putting that limb out
of commission for the fight. Probably.
Genius artist unknown |
64-65: Dirty
Biter. You know better than to fight fair. Once per encounter, you may declare
that you are fighting dirty before rolling to hit – you get +2 to-hit for your
next attack, and if it hits the target is stunned for d3 rounds (as if they
were surprised and unable to act, so your backstabby friends might want to take
advantage of that) in addition to taking regular damage. Probably from getting
bit in the groin, let’s be honest, but any discernible weak point will allow
this to work. If you get this again, get sneak attack +1d6 (like a thief or
66-67: Herding
instinct. If you’re working with groups of herbivores, you can make them do
what you want with Charisma or Diplomacy, whatever your system uses.
Undomesticated animals can be herded with disadvantage. If you get this again,
you can use it on even ridiculous or fantasy animals, like triceratops or
hippogriffs (although you might want to be able to fly for that one-maybe you nip
them if they try to take off?). If you roll this again, maybe you can use it on
sheep-like groups of people? Or just re-roll.
68-69: You’re
super good at dodging. +1 AC. Treat it like an extra bonus from Dex, except
your Dexterity score doesn’t actually go up. This bonus is double if you use it
actively, like taking the Defense action on your turn in 5e.
70-71: You may
befriend any one animal, or monster of animal level intelligence. It must be solitary when encountered. No dice
rolls are necessary, you simply make a new friend who will follow you and be
loyal as long as you treat it well. You may only use this ability once. Reroll
if you get this result again.
couldn't find attribution for this one either, please tell me if you do |
72-73: You must
have some Elven Moonhound in you!
on the
If you get a result like
"Gain a spell slot as usual" you get it as a spell-like ability, if
appropriate, otherwise for something more suitably elf-dog-ish.
74-75: You must
have some Tunnel Setter in you! Roll on the
76-77: You can
snatch the missiles out of the air with your teeth, like someone was throwing a
stick for you. Works once per turn.
78: The rumours
are true – that thing you wanted? The Collar of Best in Show? The Human
Whistle? The thighbone of Tyroganon Ferox? That really good belly rub? It’s
there. 4 sessions worth of adventure away or less. Tell your Referee, who then
must place it.
You must have a fair shot at it – like any other treasure,
but there’s no guarantee you will get it. If you don’t get it by the fourth
session you can keep trying or let it go and roll again on this table. However,
if you choose to roll again and then you do get the thing somehow anyway, you
lose whatever gimmick you rolled. your Ref needs to think up some clever reason
79: You’re a
really excellent watchdog! You’re never surprised when you’re keeping watch,
and your companions are able to rouse themselves immediately when they hear
your warning barks.
80-81: Your crit
range extends by one (so you do criticals on a natural 19 and 20 when you first
get this, 18-20 the second time around, and so on).
82-83: You’ve
seen some shit. Immune to fear effects. If you re-roll this, your companions
get +2 to saves vs. fear if they can witness your resolve, then +4 and so on.
84-86: Pick an
environment you’ve spent a lot of time fighting in: city, dungeon, wilderness,
desert, sea, etc. Whatever it is, you can now anticipate wandering monsters a
round ahead of time in that environment and are immune to (mundane) surprise
there. If you re-roll this, pick another environment or get an extra round of
anticipation, your choice.
87-88: Nimble lil
dog! Any time you would normally save for half damage, you take no damage on a
successful save. If you roll this again, you take half damage even if you fail
your save.
89-90: Spooky
moves! As a reaction when you get hit, reduce the incoming damage by half. Only
works once per turn.
I think this is ye olde history art |
91-92: You can
force a morale check on an enemy group by just growling and barking, even if
they outnumber you (but they should probably get a bonus of some sort in that
case). This takes no action, but you can do it only once per encounter. Failure
means they either run away or freeze in fear (so no fighting retreats). Only
works on intelligent enemies with less HD than you (or HD1, in case you get
this at first level). If you reroll this, you get to treat your level as 2
higher when using this.
93: Fleabag.
Sure, you’re always scratching, but once per fight you can give them to an
enemy within 5 feet. They get -1d4 to all attack rolls, saves, and skill
checks, until they get a remove curse or a flea collar or something.
94-95: Get
stronger/tougher/more limber. Increase a random physical attribute score by +1,
up to your maximum value. If you would go over that, pick one of the other two
to add to instead. If you’ve somehow maxed out everything already, no re-rolls.
96-97: Add an
extra weapon damage die to critical hits. (or, increase multiplier by one if
that sort of lingo pleases you.)
98-99: Vorpal
bite. If you roll a natural 20 against something with a head in melee and it’s
level/HD is equal to or less than yours, it doesn’t have a head anymore.
(Effectiveness of head loss may vary depending on the enemy, your Referee will
tell you.)
Treat your level as one higher than it actually is (for
purposes of decapitation only) for each re-roll of this.
00: Your latent
Magic Dog powers manifest. Pick any spell with a level less than your own if
you were a wizard. You can cast it once per day, but only on yourself (and your
best friend I guess if it’s a healing spell)
It's dogs playing D&D what more do you want |
In summary, I would like to provide this
link to all of you. I hope it brings you much joy.