The great Authority is the sky-god, vast as the tangled grey-green wold below him.
The sun and the Opal Moon operate in tandem in the heavens of Isult- the Moon even deigns to tarry in the sky during the several days of the festivals. Not so the Xaos Moon, which charts it's nigh-unpredictable course, nor the Shadow moon, which moves methodically but by secret paths. The Verdant moon, known by some as the Sojourner for it's recent arrival in the skies, passes quickly across the sky, sometimes visible three times a night, for only a few minute's time as it makes its transit.
As the Opal moon passes through it's great cycle, it visits each of the great houses of the stars, and the influence of their dance is known in the hearts of mortals. Also imprinted is the fiery heart of the red moon, and the mysterious secrets of the ebon moon, as well as many other unfathomable things...
Xodiac Signs
- Orion (and Limax!)
- Draco (the dragon)
- Eridnu (the city /archway /River)
- Pliades (the dancers)
- Kimori (pegasus)
- Gleipnir (the chain)
- Ophiucus (the sepent-bearer)
- Sirius (the doggo!)
- Apis (the bee)
- Adrestia (the Nemesis)
- Vasuki (the peacock)
- Cetus (the sea monster)
- Merak (the Bear)
How to find out your character's astrological sign? Roll 1d13! Roll once for your sun sign, once each for however many moons you have, etc.
Orion traits: impetuous, resourceful, self - sufficient, martyr
Water sign
Limax traits: Limax is a slug!
Draco: Multifaceted, obsessive, responsibile, stoic, petty
Fire sign
Dracian personalities bend towards the megalomaniac, magnanimous, larger than life types. In fact, reality seems to bend around them, and they often seem like the most real things in the room! The Dragon's delusions of grandeur are often superseded when the illusion turns out to be a reality, and thus people born under this sign often find they've bitten off more than they can chew- not that this will stop them from taking yet another bite. Despite their egocentrism, they often find themselves tackling other people's problems, especially when those difficulties are particularly sprawling- Dracians have no concept of mission creep.
Eridnu: worldly, psychopomp, transforms, methodical, messy, unconcerned
Earth Sign
Eridniuns give off an air of being absolutely bored by everything, and interested in anything that comes their way at the same time. They are great collectors, whether of objects, ideas, or people, and because of this they are seldom taken aback when an unusual specimen comes along- they've seen it all before. Although they can be clinical and detached, they're not afraid to get their hands dirty to get the work done. While they like variety in all things, they tend to dislike travelling, and are creatures of routine.
Pliades: playful, dedicated, graceful, careful, push boundaries, seek harmony
Air Sign
Poise and timing are the secret behind the mysterious smile of the Dancer. Despite struggle and strain to navigate the maelstorm of life, Pliadians seem to soar effortlessly as a leaf on the wind. Community-minded, Pliadians are always conscious of where other members of their circles are headed, paying attention to the rhythms and patterns that govern human events far more than conscious thoughts. Despite this, they can be meticulous planners- they know that to balance such subtle currents, every step matters.
Cetus: Deep, hidden, idleness, charitable, prudent,
Water Sign
Few people ever witness the true reach and potential of a Cetian, yet their influence can be felt everywhere, looming beneath the surface. Acting always with an air of inevitability, Whales hate most the prying eyes and thoughts of those who think only on the surface of things, not plumbing the depths of thought and emotion as they do. When Cetians choose to make a statement, they are nearly impossible to ignore. They are extremely patient and take the long view of everything, but at the same time they are prone to obsessive projects of vengeance, from which they will not be swayed.

Apis: Community, industrious, groupthink, aesthetic, pastoral
Always on the lookout for the next score, aesthetic delight, or problem to solve, the Bees never seem to stop working. This is partly an illusion, for they're always ready to slow down and smell the flowers, and they dedicate themselves to rest and leisure with the same gusto they put into work. Still, they can be anxious or high strung, as if they see even relaxing as a competition. While they enjoy solo projects from time to time, they like nothing more than bringing their discoveries into a team setting, and they often have trouble making decisions without one or two (or eight or ten) colleagues to sign off on it.
Gleipnir: ruler, indespensible, presumptuous, generous, steadfast, deceptively strong
Earth Sign
Resilient personalities, unorthodox methods, Gleipnirians are used to having the final say in everything. They know that the chain is only as strong as the weakest link, and they both look to exploit that, and ensure their interests are secure. Nothing gives a Gleipnirians more joy than winning one over on a long-term enemy, whether through a combination of impossible solutions. Strength, gile, or both, and once they have the upper hand they are unrelenting. They pride themselves on being flexible, but in fact you can only push them so far before they will refuse to budge- it's not 'their way or the high way,' it's just their way.

Kimori: team player, flighty, generous, pure,
Air Sign
Pacifists with a saviour complex typifies Kimoris well. Consummate travellers, they crave change and can feel sick and stifled if not able to access the freedom they need. Although bravery rarely fails them, they lack initiative, and will often act aimlessly (though nobly) or lash out, unless given proper direction and guidance. Not just any leader will do, however, for they are extremely critical of authority, and however much they may crave stucture, they will tear down any unjust wall, and happily cut off their nose to spite their face, if it means gaining the 'moral' high ground.

Ophiuchus: healer/poisoner, sisyphian tasks, balance, challenging orthodoxy
Aether/metal/wood Sign
Ophidians see the world as made up of opposing yet complementary forces. This balance is constantly unraveling, and is rebuilt- a contradiction that the Snakes exemplify in their own lives. They can seem like they are perhaps being deliberately mysterious- while this is true, they can scarcely help it, any more than they could put aside whatever great struggle or cause they've taken up. Although normally soft-spoken, they abhor when things are truly easy, believing every moment of happiness enjoyed now must be paid back with some misery later. Their quiet demeanor melts away when it comes to rabble-rousing oratory, which they use to lance the boil within the human spirit.
Sirius: Loyal, irrepressible, optimistic, observant, fawning,
Air Sign
The enthusiasm of a Sirian knows no bounds. They will follow you to the ends of the earth, and they will never give up on a friend. Despite their goodwill, they can be naive, and if misled can seem brutish or ill-mannered- in fact, all Sirians have a tendency to eschew things like table manners, conversational timing, and the like. Similarly, if neglected or cruelly treated, they can become cruel loners. They are extremely impressionable, but nonetheless astute students of human character. Out of all the signs, they are the most likely to be TRYING to do the right thing, although they are not much more likely than most to be close to achieving it.

Adrestia: Oppositional, defiant, mirroring, impressionable, intuitive, skeptical
Water Sign
It can be almost impossible to tell when an Adresti is in the room with you- they blend into the crowd, or mirror people around them. Charismatic Adresti make this seem natural, but it can have a kind of 'uncanny valley' effect. Since this is primarily a reflexive process, it can be hard to turn off, and even they don't always know what they're really thinking- in a way, they really are the ever-changing reflection. When their wrath comes, it is all the more menacing, since their judgement seems to stem from within the mind of the person they consider unworthy. They can be very judgmental, especially since they often become better at 'being' the other person than the originals themselves ever were.

Vasuki: Vain, watchful, magnetic, finicky,
Fire Sign
Resplendent and impossible to miss, Vasukis seem to exist as if to prove that life can be beautiful. In the main, they succeed. No one can unite the mundane with the transcendent like one of these strutting birds. They reject ugly things, but seek to find beauty in the very real elements of the world, looking for the divine close to home: painting, dancing, swordplay. Some Vasuki fall prey to their excess, turning to drinking, gambling, and other worldly pleasures, but even then they inject a kind of poetry into it all.

Merak: prepared, undeterred, patient, formidable, territorial, moody
Earth Sign
The bears of the xodiac, Meraks are independent and make their own way. They are absolute lord over whatever room they're in, but their interest drops off quickly beyond whatever immediate horizon presents itself. They don't concern themselves with if, ands, or buts, and instead simply prepare for the exact problem they know is coming, be it war or winter. It is hard to change their minds about anything, but they allow themselves to adapt as they see fit. They often care most deeply about their family, and anyone or anything under their protection will be well cared for, whether it likes it or not, though they value all independence not only their own.

Water sign
Limax traits: Limax is a slug!
Creatures of
enormity, an Orion does nothing in half measures. Although cunning and
aware of their surroundings, their disregard for tradition, dignity,
and the bounds of society often leads them down a blind path. In many
ways, they are the trailblazers of the Xodiac. They seek out things
in the darkness, where others would fear to go. However bad things
seem, whatever the punishments heaped upon them, Orions persevere,
seeking the next step on the path, and their next quarry.
Fire sign
Dracian personalities bend towards the megalomaniac, magnanimous, larger than life types. In fact, reality seems to bend around them, and they often seem like the most real things in the room! The Dragon's delusions of grandeur are often superseded when the illusion turns out to be a reality, and thus people born under this sign often find they've bitten off more than they can chew- not that this will stop them from taking yet another bite. Despite their egocentrism, they often find themselves tackling other people's problems, especially when those difficulties are particularly sprawling- Dracians have no concept of mission creep.

Earth Sign
Eridniuns give off an air of being absolutely bored by everything, and interested in anything that comes their way at the same time. They are great collectors, whether of objects, ideas, or people, and because of this they are seldom taken aback when an unusual specimen comes along- they've seen it all before. Although they can be clinical and detached, they're not afraid to get their hands dirty to get the work done. While they like variety in all things, they tend to dislike travelling, and are creatures of routine.

Air Sign
Poise and timing are the secret behind the mysterious smile of the Dancer. Despite struggle and strain to navigate the maelstorm of life, Pliadians seem to soar effortlessly as a leaf on the wind. Community-minded, Pliadians are always conscious of where other members of their circles are headed, paying attention to the rhythms and patterns that govern human events far more than conscious thoughts. Despite this, they can be meticulous planners- they know that to balance such subtle currents, every step matters.

Water Sign

Apis: Community, industrious, groupthink, aesthetic, pastoral
Fire Sign
Always on the lookout for the next score, aesthetic delight, or problem to solve, the Bees never seem to stop working. This is partly an illusion, for they're always ready to slow down and smell the flowers, and they dedicate themselves to rest and leisure with the same gusto they put into work. Still, they can be anxious or high strung, as if they see even relaxing as a competition. While they enjoy solo projects from time to time, they like nothing more than bringing their discoveries into a team setting, and they often have trouble making decisions without one or two (or eight or ten) colleagues to sign off on it.
Gleipnir: ruler, indespensible, presumptuous, generous, steadfast, deceptively strong
Earth Sign

Kimori: team player, flighty, generous, pure,
Air Sign

Ophiuchus: healer/poisoner, sisyphian tasks, balance, challenging orthodoxy
Aether/metal/wood Sign
Ophidians see the world as made up of opposing yet complementary forces. This balance is constantly unraveling, and is rebuilt- a contradiction that the Snakes exemplify in their own lives. They can seem like they are perhaps being deliberately mysterious- while this is true, they can scarcely help it, any more than they could put aside whatever great struggle or cause they've taken up. Although normally soft-spoken, they abhor when things are truly easy, believing every moment of happiness enjoyed now must be paid back with some misery later. Their quiet demeanor melts away when it comes to rabble-rousing oratory, which they use to lance the boil within the human spirit.

Air Sign
The enthusiasm of a Sirian knows no bounds. They will follow you to the ends of the earth, and they will never give up on a friend. Despite their goodwill, they can be naive, and if misled can seem brutish or ill-mannered- in fact, all Sirians have a tendency to eschew things like table manners, conversational timing, and the like. Similarly, if neglected or cruelly treated, they can become cruel loners. They are extremely impressionable, but nonetheless astute students of human character. Out of all the signs, they are the most likely to be TRYING to do the right thing, although they are not much more likely than most to be close to achieving it.

Adrestia: Oppositional, defiant, mirroring, impressionable, intuitive, skeptical
Water Sign
It can be almost impossible to tell when an Adresti is in the room with you- they blend into the crowd, or mirror people around them. Charismatic Adresti make this seem natural, but it can have a kind of 'uncanny valley' effect. Since this is primarily a reflexive process, it can be hard to turn off, and even they don't always know what they're really thinking- in a way, they really are the ever-changing reflection. When their wrath comes, it is all the more menacing, since their judgement seems to stem from within the mind of the person they consider unworthy. They can be very judgmental, especially since they often become better at 'being' the other person than the originals themselves ever were.

Vasuki: Vain, watchful, magnetic, finicky,
Fire Sign
Resplendent and impossible to miss, Vasukis seem to exist as if to prove that life can be beautiful. In the main, they succeed. No one can unite the mundane with the transcendent like one of these strutting birds. They reject ugly things, but seek to find beauty in the very real elements of the world, looking for the divine close to home: painting, dancing, swordplay. Some Vasuki fall prey to their excess, turning to drinking, gambling, and other worldly pleasures, but even then they inject a kind of poetry into it all.

Merak: prepared, undeterred, patient, formidable, territorial, moody
Earth Sign
The bears of the xodiac, Meraks are independent and make their own way. They are absolute lord over whatever room they're in, but their interest drops off quickly beyond whatever immediate horizon presents itself. They don't concern themselves with if, ands, or buts, and instead simply prepare for the exact problem they know is coming, be it war or winter. It is hard to change their minds about anything, but they allow themselves to adapt as they see fit. They often care most deeply about their family, and anyone or anything under their protection will be well cared for, whether it likes it or not, though they value all independence not only their own.
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